Nova's ONLINE Featherweight 221 Maintenance Workshop
The internationally renowned Nova’s Featherweight Maintenance Workshop is now available online!
This is the same workshop as my live workshop, only online. The video you will rent (not the video trailer below) is 4 hours in length. Why is the live workshop 7 hours and the online workshop only 4 hours? The live workshop takes longer because Nova stops to assist students, answer questions, etc.
The video is about 4 hours long. You do not have to watch the entire thing in one sitting. You will find the video divided into chapters for your ease in starting and returning to view the video.
Registration will work like a movie rental. You will have 72 hours to complete the workshop once it is rented.
CAUTION: You will only have 72 hours to complete the video. Gather your supplies BEFORE YOU RENT THE VIDEO!
There is a different supply list for the online workshop. You will need to allow time for the products that must be ordered to reach you BEFORE YOU RENT THE WORKSHOP. Again, you will have 72 hours to complete the workshop once it is rented. Click here to download the supply list.
Click here to order Nova’s Featherweight Maintenance Starter Kit. This is highly recommended for you to be successful with the workshop.
Taking the ONLINE version of Nova’s Featherweight Maintenance Workshop will qualify you for a seat in Nova’s Repair Workshop. You will need to email Nova so you are added to that database.
COST of the ONLINE Workshop - $99.50 Click here to rent the workshop video.
Once you pay for the workshop rental (with a credit card or PayPal account through Vimeo) click on My Library to play the video, or Watch Later.
See the FREE video trailer below!
"...your online maintenance course was absolutely an out of this world experience. I have enjoyed them so much!!! Thank you" -- Jennifer B.